As I press into my 30s, I am really committed to investing and taking good care of my skin. Aside from maintaining a healthy diet and drinking lots of water, I’ve recently been using @LaMer’s #CremeDeLaMer Moisturizing Cream to keep my skin hydrated, glowing, and even benefit from its anti-aging properties (can I get an AMEN?!) While I’m said to have combination skin, I tend to be on the dryer side, and struggle to find good moisturizers that don’t just sit on my skin, but actually go deep in hydrating and replenishing my skin. With this Moisturizing Cream, I get just that -- especially since it contains the Miracle BrothTM, a legendary healing elixir that infuses the skin with sea-sourced renewing energies. The consistency is super creamy, but melts between your fingertips so you can gently press it into your skin and give it all the moisture it deserves. @Lamer’s beautiful line of products can be found at your local @sephora, so definitely pick some up if you’re looking to prioritize the health and longevity of your skin. #LaMer #Sephora #LTKGiftGuide


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Crème de la Mer Moisturizer | Sephora (US)
The Hydrating Infused Emulsion | Sephora (US)
The Concentrate Serum | Sephora (US)
The Cleansing Foam | Sephora (US)
The Treatment Lotion | Sephora (US)