Some of my personal summer reflections since it’s August and time just flies by….
I would give myself a solid B for work/life balance this summer. I struggle with not feeling like I am giving work 100% but I also struggle even more when I feel like I am not giving my kids and family unit my full heart and attention. I have learned this about myself over the years.
Less alcohol = more at peace. I intentionally decided to drink less this summer and it’s just always a good decision for me. I am mentally in a place of feeling very responsible for my body as I get older, and I want to treat it as well as I possibly can ❤️
Cooking - full transparency, I did not cook a new recipe every week like I said I would. BUT I definitely mastered my morning pancakes, found my favorite simple salad dressing AND my kids were very happy with our at home pesto pizza nights 🤍
Pickleball. I grew up a tennis player and I do not really have a desire to play again. BUT I have a deep love of sports and competing in them. Pickleball has quickly become our family’s favorite nighttime activity. It has brought me/us so much joy 😍
We have so much to look forward to this fall and I am feeling truly thankful. My kids are starting down some new paths and I hope they continue to feel all the support and love from us at home. Since that really is all that matters 💛 I hope you all had some fulfilling small joys this summer as well.