Our EXACT models pictured! Alllll the info you’ll ever need below 🤗 smarthome homeautomation • Be more efficient + save $$$ with a smart thermostat. You can set schedules [like having it automatically lower the temp at bedtime] + change your home’s temp remotely from the app. No more McAllister moments of feeling like you forgot to do something after you’ve left for vacation. • This little mop robot is no joke. One more thing off my to-do list ✅ • We have FOUR of the Nest Outdoor IQ security cams. So yeah. We like them a lot. They cover every door + window + we get real-time video alerts when people are detected. • Our smart night light is set to turn on automatically at 7pm + off at 7am. We have it set on a super dim amber color, but you can choose any brightness/color from the app! • This is my favorite smart home item we own. We have it set to auto-lock behind us when we leave the house + auto-unlock when we get home. No more standing outside your door, balancing the million things you’re holding on your knee + digging for your keys. You can also check your door’s lock status on the app at anytime [it will inform you if your door is ajar/closed, locked/unlocked] + you can lock/unlock it remotely. You can also give guests permanent or temporary virtual keys. • I couldn’t have more peace of mind with a smoke detector. Standard ones don’t send you a phone notification if they detect smoke or CO2. This one does. If you have a pup at home, this could be life-saving. One of my favorite features is how it glows green when you turn off all the lights for bed, letting you know it’s good to protect you all night. It also glows white when it detects movement during the night, which makes a great hall nightlight for us! • This doorbell is our newest addition to our Nest fam. Not installed yet — but I’ll update you when it is! Sooo excited! • My husband + I always say this is THE. BEST. thing we’ve ever bought for the house. If you have a robot vacuum, you know exactly what I mean. If you don’t, you need to hop on the Roomba train 🚂 Shop my daily looks by following me on LIKEtoKNOW.it! 💚 http://liketk.it/3cNq3 liketkit @liketoknow.it @liketoknow.it.home LTKhome smart home, home automation, nest thermostat, robot mop, braava jet