You know those days where you’re like “YES! Got up early & it’s going to be AMAZING!”?! But then life slaps you in the face because you’re trying to juggle working from home, helping kids with school, chasing a toddler, packing + selling a house, moving in 6-8 weeks, exercise + not eat all the food. Life is weird right now y’all. It’s hard (impossible?) to balance everything and it’s ok to not be ok. I’m so grateful to be healthy + have a job I love + healthy kids + crazy helpful husband who willingly washes dishes and puts up with my overly dramatic self. Reframing it helps, you know? I try to not ever word vomit here (mean girls anyone?!) but I don’t want to ever pretend life is all sunshine & rainbows. 🌈 What’s helped me a lot is reaching out to friends + family on a regular basis (we’re all in this crazy together!), taking social media breaks (no one needs to read every single article on Facebook right now...) and remembering how amazing life is in general. This too shall pass. What’s been helping you through all of this? I’d love to hear your coping techniques! __________________________________________________ Download the shopping app & follow me to shop this pic via screenshot. liketkit LTKhome